Real steel game for pc
Real steel game for pc

real steel game for pc

It was probably the most brutal finisher ever performed in the ring. Then Steam did a powerful uppercut, knocking off Blacktop's head, he then grabbed his arm and used his fist destroying his arm, he then punched through his armor, and pulled off his core, he then slammed it on the ground and stomped on it. "!" Blacktop then jumped back up, Blacktop then tried doing his combos, but Steam kept dodging them. But Blacktop kept punching until Steam's owner studied his punching patterns, after finding it out Steam countered and punched, Blacktop was stunned, he stumbled back and Steam ran forward, he then did a roundhouse kick. Blackytop started walking foward, he then punched and did combos too fast before Steam actually landed his first punch, Steam attempted to do his first punch but Blacktop dodged it, he then punched back, people started throwing bottles in the ring.

real steel game for pc

Someone hit something that sounded like a cow bell. He first went to the mountains to challenge BlackTop, the Bot out of Hell. He was impressed, with a giant confidence boost. One of his combos was a one-two punch and a roundhouse kick. He then combined a few punches and kicks. He took a step back he messed around he then used the touch pad to controll him, he tested out a punch, it wasn't so fast, but wasn't so slow.

real steel game for pc

He walked out the black box, the armor started to pop out like Noisy Boy. The robot had a blue lighting with steam hissing from his gauntlets. He then grabbed the futuristic looking controller, he then messed around with it pressing random buttons, then when he pressed the last button, he heard a hissing noise, " HISSSSSSS" he looked up. "I saw your Rogue fight, you lasted less than minute, you came so far, and I hope you don't stop. It took forever to open, because the height and padding to protect it, them when he opened it there was a new AWESOME ROBOT AND CONTROLLER, there was note attatched to it, it read, X4 Behemoth Hydraulic Fluid - $12,000,000ĪTTENTION: GO TO THE STORY OF ROGUE, THIS IS HIS PART 2 STORY I REPEAT, GO TO THE ROGUE STORYĪfter Rogue's crushing defeat, his owner then returned to his garage in order to find a GIANT 8"11 box.

Real steel game for pc